Spa Day 🧖‍♀️

spa day

Save up to 15% with this rate that includes a Spa circuit per person per day. Once you arrive at the Hotel, leave your luggage in the room and get equipped with your bathrobe.

We will be waiting for you at the Spa for 90 minutes of pure relaxation. Start the next day with our wonderful buffet breakfast.

Spa for 2 🧖🧖‍♀️

Looking for a plan for a couple? With this offer for 2 you can enjoy 1 hour and a half of pure relaxation in the best company.

Spa & massage circuit of 50′

Do you want more? Complete your experience with a wonderful full body massage. Get rid of stress with the help of our therapists.

With friends

Privatise our SPA for 90 minutes and fully enjoy with your friends!

In addition to access to the SPA, there is a corner where you can share a cup of tea with nuts and fresh fruit.

Spa circuit & lunch/dinner ✨

restaurante tarifa

Give the gift of a gastronomic experience with Spa.

Enjoy an incredible day in Tarifa: pamper yourself with 90 minutes of relaxation in the Hotel Spa completed with lunch or dinner in our restaurant El Patio.